Founded 1972 - 200 School St., Suite 250, Putnam CT 06260
tel: 860-963-6800
Aspinock Historical Society
of Putnam Inc.
Mission Statement:  “Protecting the Future by Preserving the Past”

The Society :
> Provides historical and genealogical research
> Gives guided tours and historical talks
> Displays historical information
> Research / publish the Immigrants to Putnam Series

Where did the name "Aspinock Historical Society" come from?

"Originally known as Aspinock, then part of Killingly, Putnam was incorporated in 1855, carved out of Killingly, Pomfret and Thompson and named in honor of General Israel Putnam of Revolutional War fame."

The charter members of the historical society chose Aspinock Historical Society as its name to encompass the land's entire known history.

Founded 1972 - 200 School St., Suite 250, Putnam CT 06260
tel: 860-963-6800

Aspinock Historical Society
of Putnam Inc.

Putnam Aspinock Historical Society is a registered nonprofit 501c3 organization

Putnam Aspinock Historical Society is a registered nonprofit 501c3 organization

Putnam Aspinock Historical Society is a registered nonprofit 501c3 organization