Founded 1972 - 200 School St., Suite 250, Putnam CT 06260 tel: 860-963-6800
Aspinock Historical Society of Putnam Inc.
Aspinock Historical Society of Putnam World War II Program
Founded in 1972 by a group of citizens who felt the need of its services, the organization for a number of years met in members' homes. Before long, many photos and other ephemera began piling up. When the GED Education building closed, and was unoccupied, The Mayor and Board of Selectmen voted to lease it to the society, in perpetuity for $1.00 per year. The Aspinock Historical Society is now located in its new home at Suite 250, located in the Putnam Municipal Complex
The Research Center also doubles as a museum as members erect and display items of local and regional history. The center is open Tuesday-Thursday, 10am to 2pm & every Saturday, by appointment only (call 860-963-6800 x301). The archive committee handles many inquiries for information.
The Society has had a number of re-enactors and illustrated lectures on local and national history. Members have conducted many escorted tours.
The Putnam Aspinock Historical Society, Inc. is a 501 C3 Organization.